Sunday, March 29, 2009

Andy's Big Day!

Word's cannot describe how proud we are of our little boy. On Wednesday Andy got his tubes put in and did a great job doing it. We played "Dress up" So he'd actually put the gown and hair net on. Besides being a little nervous he did a wonderful job going with the beautiful nurses and letting them put him to sleep. The funniest part was when he had his "juice" which was a cocktail to clam him down. He kept looking at me and in a very goofy way kept say "You my ma----maa". He makes for a very happy drunk. It was super cute! He does have a very bad cold now so it makes his ear drain blood... which makes my heart stop every time. But I've been told that all is well. He'll have a follow up in a few weeks. * There even turned out to be way less scare tissue in his ears than they thought. We were very excited to hear that.


Sean and Hillary Monroe said...

Congrats, Andy, for being so brave! You are a little hero!
And, hello, Gretchen...blood from his ears!? How do you handle that?! I'd be bawling every time I see that! YOU are incredibly brave and a true hero to your kids. We love you!

Cheryl said...

WOW!! Andy you are my hero! I'm glad it went well, but I can't wait until he get's better. I can imagine how hard it would be to see blood coming out of his little ear :(. Love you! Oh and I love the pictures of him with his hospital "dress up" So CUTE

Deon said...

I'm so glad that it went well. He looks so adorable in his "dress up", you got some really good pictures.

Jessica, Mike, Jake, and Brooke said...

what a brave little soldier!!!